Sunday, September 27, 2015

be it ever so humble..........

....there is no place like home......I was never one who like to travel very far and be away from home very long, and the older I get, the stronger that feeling is..........recently we went to Chicago to watch the Cubs play, my husband's FAVORITE team.......I enjoyed the trip more than I thought I would, Chicago is a beautiful city, love the Cubs, and that is the city I lived the first 10 years of my life.......even at that, when I stepped off that bus and we got in our car to go home, oh my gosh, I was one happy girl.........just the little things seemed so much better....I appreciated them more.......the small town where we live, our chickens and cows out the back door,  my own coffee and coffee cup...."my" seat on the couch, my books, my bed, home cooked meals, and my girls and their Laura Ingalls Wilder said, "home is the nicest word there is"..........till next time....smiles, Linda

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


.............the weather has helped me be productive the last few days...washed quilts, finished sampler (will show picture soon, after glass is cut for frame), made some coverlet pillows, and just finished these boxes......till next time..smiles, Linda

Thursday, September 10, 2015

"Red Hill Farm" sampler............

..........greetings......just wanted to share a sampler I just is cross stitched in a primitive, early, school girl manner....stained and distressed with black walnuts.....I put it in an antique frame, which if I can find them, is what I like to use......I currently have this listed in my ebay store, if your I am headed outside to gather some corn stalks and plant some mums.......till next time....smiles, Linda

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

can only get better.............

......................first of all, my youngest grand went to school today (kindergarten) without one tear !!!!!! in four weeks !!!!! and the day just got better from there........a MUCH needed rain for most of the day...........the last time we had any good rain at all, meaning measurable,  was over 4 weeks ago and with the temperature lately being in the 90's, it was getting DRY !!!!!!!!!!!  cleaned the house and settled in for the afternoon  stitching ........nothing like a good rainy day, clean home, and a good project...I had another antique frame to fill and a project was calling me.....I love this time of year and everything it can slowly see the changes outside.....some leaves starting to turn, grasses with their beautiful seed heads, and some flowers with their final show, while others are already feeding the birds........the air smells better, days are getting shorter, and wood is being stacked for the winter.......I am not sure if I could live somewhere without 4 such differences in the seasons......each one having their own unique quality....... with fall being my very favorite....till next time....enjoy the season....smiles, linda
 wood ready........
 final blooms.........
 ornamental grasses..........
 fresh rain water for the birds............
 sorting cattle for market..........
 rains puddles for butterflies........
 a finished project and a HAPPY girl = a HAPPY Grandma !!!

Friday, September 4, 2015


greetings.........too, too hot to work outside, today, my husband and I visited a friend in the nursing home, got a quick bite to eat....then headed home......I finished this box set and have a sampler in the works.  When the grands came home from school, I fried them some chicken tenders, enjoyed a couple of hours with them and now to enjoy a quiet evening stitching..........till next time........smiles, linda

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

"love thyself last"...........

.......greetings, hot and dry, that is our weather to date, can't go outside, so I have been finishing up projects and started some new ones.........I don't have all my supplies to hook another project, so the next best thing is stitching........I love to pick up antique frames and hand stitch a sampler for them........this a very simple sampler, which is what I prefer, especially for this type of frame......this sampler is available in my ebay shop.......thanks for visiting...till next time,Linda