Thursday, June 4, 2015

I am home.....!!!!!!!!!!!!

....well it has been a long, long time......and like most bloggers I became a slacker, busy with life, computer crash, home repairs ( not the pretty kind ), just nothing to post, I had the blogger blues......but, I didn't totally delete my blog, just in we are on summer break, all my grandchildren (5 yes five) are here with me...believe me, I love, here are just a few pictures until next time.......smiles, Linda


  1. Morning Linda, missed you, love your blog!!!! Think we all get the blogger blues, please keep blogging. I always love to see pictures of your cozy home, I just adore your style of decorating with all your wonderful treasures. Great stone and love the old enamel. Enjoy the Grandkids,Blessings Francine.

  2. I loved your blog. So glad you are back.

  3. I always enjoy it when you post. Thank you for not deleting your blog.

  4. Love, love, love that vintage wheelbarrow full of flowers!! Great photos. I totally understand the blogging blues. I was contemplating taking the summer off, but so far I've kept plugging away.
    Thanks so much for your sweet visit,
    Mary Alice

  5. Sympathique votre blog,j'aime beaucoup cette ambiance campagne
    De France
