Tuesday, August 18, 2015

........needle + thread = happy !!!

..........quiet, the house is sooooo quiet......to hot to work outside and caught up on cleaning....for today.........so I was looking at my collection of antique picture frames, and decided to make a sampler........years ago I could do counted cross stitch on linen, now my eyes won't let me.......so when I stitch, it is in a free form kinda way..........no counting, nothing straight.........just stitching where I want, in a primitive, young girl way........some might say sloppy........some may not even call it cross stitch.........I say, "I love it"........don't get me wrong, I more than admire a fine cross stitch sampler......anyway, it was nice to just stitch....no TV, windows open, just me and my needle and thread..........


  1. I sometimes cross stitch like this. Please do show us your finished work. Looks good so far! Janice

  2. It doesn't matter if anyone thinks it's sloppy as long as you like it! I think it's darling. Would love to see how you complete it.

  3. Hi Linda, so nice to hear from you..... Love the cross stitch, so charming.Blessings Francine.
