Sunday, October 25, 2015


........loving this time of year and everything it brings.......I try to get my husband to hold off on mowing the leaves as long as I can, I LOVE leaves laying on ground, and do not care if it covers the is natures beauty..........we had a much needed rain yesterday and it has cooled off, more leaves have fallen, as do the walnuts and our corn awaits it's harvest......the raccoons have enjoyed the corn and I enjoy the cobs they leave behind.......I have gathered some to put in wood bowls, lay in the trencher and hang from the corn I searched pinterest for more ideas.......some of the following pictures are from pinterest, and they are beautiful in the simplest way.......till next time...smiles, Linda
 above picture, is out my window & below is some corn cobs I have gathered.....
 all the pictures below are via pinterest,  ENJOY !!!!!


  1. Good Morning Linda, such a beautiful view out your window. I like you love to see the leaves scattered on the grass, the smell is wonderful too. Wonderful eaten corn cobs, looks so primitive, as do the Pinterest pictures. Always enjoy your posts,Blessings Francine.

  2. how pretty! love the view out your window my friend ~ did you see my post re: using one of your blue boxes to store my Valdani threads? you know how I love them!!!

    1. no I didn't Lori.....will have to go look....and Thank you !!

  3. Love the look and I gather them too but our fields have not been cut yet. Maybe next week.
    I give a lot away too.
    Have fun.

  4. Love leaves on the grass...have not raked mine up. Those Pinterest pics are lovely. Janice

  5. Linda, I love the look of the corn cobs hanging with a bit of greenery...Now, I must find out what the squirrels did with the cobs...they have stripped my corn stalks clean...Happy Halloween!
